NoNewSewMo update the First

Hi there!

This is just a quick note to say that I’ve been making progress on my NoNewSewMo projects however I’ve also been sick for all of today so haven’t gotten around to doing a proper post.

I have been busy doing some sewing for the past few days and I’ve managed to finish one dress, which just needs a wash and press, and get mostly through another one. Both are Vintage Vogue repro patterns and I’m excited to see how they look. Both dresses are very New Look in style, from 1956-57. 

Unfortunately, I fell into the trap of whipping up my Yellow Batiste Sundress without checking the fit using a toile. Unless you’ve made the pattern before and know your shape hasn’t changed I have to stress that making a toile is entirely worth the time and effort. Basically, I trusted the sizing on the back because I’d used patterns in the same series with no problem. I’m going to have a dress that fits far too small because this one basically lacked the ease of the other dresses I’ve made from the same series. I didn’t even measure the pattern because it’s got tucks across the front that made measuring it a bit of a buggerance. Sigh.

I’ll post pictures tomorrow to show you what I mean and if there is anyone out there with a 34″ bust and 24″ waist I’d be happy to hear from you if you’re interested in it. In the meantime I managed to find what I think is the same lemon-coloured batiste on eBay for $3m with free shipping so… I’ll just make a replacement! It’s a false economy since I spent ages mucking about with the tucks to get them right but hey, it was a learning experience (if I say it often enough then maybe it’ll be true…).

In other news I move in 10 days. Have I mentioned that I’m moving about as far across Australia as I actually can without needing a passport… in 10 days. I haven’t even confirmed my removals yet. Wups. Well I have that in hand and hopefully the men with the arms and hands will turn up next week and load my very meagre possessions onto a truck so they can make their slow progress over to Tasmania. I also have to move my horse, but thank goodness one of my close and lovely friends is heading interstate at the end of the month and can fit my girl on the float.

Well, I think I’ll finish right there on that garbled and frantic note. Proper post of postiness tomorrow when I’m home from work and feeling a bit less sick.

Good night!

R xx

2 thoughts on “NoNewSewMo update the First

  1. I so look forward to your Vintage Vogue New Look inspired dresses. You have a good attitude about learning from mistakes. I understand, very well, the desire to get on with making the actual dress but like you say, fit has to be checked. Hope you feel better before the big move.

  2. It’s what happens when you cut corners! The benefits never outweigh the costs when it comes to custom tailoring, in my experience. Do it once and do it well… as demonstrated by my folly 😛 Who knows, maybe I can sell it on Etsy?

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